From Muggles to Masters: Unveiling the Secrets of English Speaking via ChatGPT and AI in the Hogwarts Language Lab

Session Description

Language acquisition often faces the challenge of retention, especially in ESL contexts such as Korea and Japan. This study proposes a comprehensive method for sustaining language learning momentum by integrating AI tools with film scenes. The chosen film, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," serves as a rich context for scenario-based language practice.

The methodology involves utilizing ChatGPT to generate alternative conversations for a selected scene from the film. By varying prompts and details, learners explore diverse linguistic expressions. Subsequently, a preferred conversation is transformed into an audio or video format using an AI voice generator like Fliki. The learners then engage in active language practice by listening, repeating, and transcribing using Speech-to-Text (STT) tools.

This approach aims to provide ESL learners with abundant exposure to English, fostering interest and retention. The scenario-based framework allows learners to choose scenes aligning with their preferences, facilitating the creation of a personalized semantic environment. Furthermore, the self-correction process during AI-assisted practice enhances motivation and autonomy in language learning.

The study anticipates that this innovative integration of film scenes and AI tools will contribute to sustained language learning and improved fluency, offering a pedagogical strategy suitable for the graduate-level ESL classroom.


Jihye Park
Kookmin University
Incheon, South Korea

Jihye Park, M.A., is a passionate educator earned her master’s degree in English Education at Kookmin University. She also earned certificate in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and TEE (Teaching English in English) from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. With this background she is interested in cross-cultural education along with language acquisition. Currently she is working as a member of STEM (The Society for Teaching English through Media) and her recent interests are collaborating with fellow educators to innovate language education using media and technology.